Sunday 30 June 2024

The serendipity of 8 painters, painting A Crow's Nest & 2 Punjabi Ladies

2024-06-30, No Tresspassing Sign Removed, and
Scorpio, and 3 initials, va, db, and the 8th painter added. 

May, Asian Heritage Month Art Project.

Special Thanks to Irishman George Millar
and all 8 painters ages 5-69 who participated.
The number 8, mainly when laid horizontally, symbolizes infinity or eternity due to its endless loop shape. It represents limitless possibilities and the eternal essence beyond our mortal existence. Though brief compared to eternity, life is filled with unexpected, serendipitous moments that can lead to meaningful transformations. Despite our short time on Earth, we can create a lasting impact by embracing these moments and living mindfully. Each life is a unique part of the infinite tapestry of existence. AI.


City Hall, Alberta, Legislature, UofA, and Millwoods Temple. 

The making of A Crow's Nest & 2 Punjabi Ladies, on YouTube
Pop Pop Dazzled by Every Day Presents a Découpé Visual Narrative, A Crow's Nest Cut Up on YouTube. I’ve taken recent and archived citizen-free news stories and interlaced them with various sounds and visuals to create this YouTube. This process transforms the news into art, crafting a fresh narrative akin to the cut-up technique (or ‘découpé’ in French). The original method involves dissecting and reassembling written text to create a new text and, consequently, a new sound and image experience. The roots of this concept can be traced back to the Dadaists of the 1920s, but it was writer William S. Burroughs who brought it to the forefront in the 1950s and early 1960s. William S. Burroughs saw cut-ups as a powerful tool for literary experimentation, unlocking hidden layers of meaning and offering glimpses into the future. Whether as a form of divination or a creative technique, cut-ups intrigue writers and artists alike. AI, Edited.

Not Pictured: 5-year-old who painted a red bird on the bearded man.

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