Friday 26 July 2024

Prayers, Love and Respect For Alberta Wildfire Evacuees & Firefighters

2016, On Guard For Thee
2024-07-26, 7PM; My prayers go out to the families who lost their homes this week in Jasper. I am proud of the response from ALL firefighters, the Jasper municipality, the Alberta government, and the federal government to the wildfire in Jasper. Seventy percent of the town, including critical infrastructure, has been saved; thank you to everyone involved. Better days ahead. The fire burning is still a threat in Jasper Park as dryer, hotter temperatures are expected Monday.

2016, Fire and Rain Art Project

2016, Fort McMurray Surreal

May 2016, Fort McMurray, The Beast

January 2016, Alberta Wildfire

Last of the Alberta Caribou

2019, Smokey Silence

Art is Freedom From The Stress of Wildfires

Jack Hamilton Bush, a Canadian abstract artist, found solace and creative expression in his vibrant paintings. Influenced by Henri Matisse and American abstract expressionists, Bush’s work encapsulated joy and emotion. Despite moments of anxiety as he navigated New York’s art scene, his unique vision and stylistic evolution left a lasting mark on colour field painting. Here are some of my sketch studies of Jack Bush I did inside the Art Gallery of Alberta.

Turning 100 Years in 23 Days!

The Art Gallery of Alberta (AGA) is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, marking a significant milestone. This centennial celebration, which I call ‘MAGA 100’ for ‘Milestone, Art Gallery of Alberta’, is a testament to a century of creativity, innovation, and inspiration.


YouTube: Ode to Jasper, Maligne Lake Paradise


Brushstrokes & Art Show Under Light Rain and Smokey Overcast Skies

TGIF, Art Show & Tell, Share & Listen

Reflecting on Jasper National Park Wildfires Thursday.

In China, Life is like a river

Four Pillars, by 4 Painters

2024-07-22, A woman from Ukraine adds paint,
to the backside of 2024, Point of Order, Mister Speaker!

2014 -2024, Justin Trudeau, Red Face.
2021-2024, Point of Order, Mister Speaker.

2018, The Magic Canvas

2020, Point of Order, Mister Speaker!

In political science, the term ‘Banana Republic’ is used to describe a country that is politically and economically unstable, with an economy heavily reliant on the export of natural resources. Simular, in Canada, the Free Trade Agreement has increased our dependence on products manufactured in third-world countries. These countries often lack robust labour and environmental standards, leading to a wealth disparity where the affluent corporate class becomes richer at the expense of the general population. The term ‘Banana Republic’ is frequently used to characterize a small, impoverished, and politically unstable country that is weakened due to an excessive dependence on a single crop or foreign funding. Is Alberta, a Banana Republic?

On a different note, ‘Banana Republic’ is also the name of a renowned clothing brand known for its contemporary classic wardrobe offerings for both women and men, including shoes and accessories. They have a retail location at Southgate S/c in Edmonton, AB. Turtle Island.

2020, Last of the Alberta Caribou

On July 12, by the fountain, we started an abstract on
the backside of the painting, Last of the Alberta Caribou.

 Trees do talk, RESET (The Box)

2021, The Legislature Has No Dome, Unity

The Grande Stage Democracy, painted on the backside of no unity.

An Indigenous Woman Was Invited To Add Paint to Abstract Mountain.

 2021, Mary Simon and the Orange Flower.
2024-07-09, Backside of, 2014, Abstract Mountain.
My gift to the Imam, vitisting from Lebanon.

Backside, 2021, Ode to Lytton, wildfire.

2024-07-08, Painter's Notes: In the noon hour, I was surrounded by a lively audience of young individuals near the reflection pool. They were brimming with questions and eager to exchange ideas about art and imagination. We discussed subjective art and the unique perspectives we each bring to interpreting paintings. The scene was further enhanced by adding painted tree stumps in the foreground of my 2014 abstract acrylic mountain painting. The daycare employee thanked me for taking time with his young friends, and I thanked them.

2016, Fire and Rain art project, 160 art shows.

11 years of hundreds of outdoor art shows & tell

2024-07-07. During Sunday's Street Art Show and Tell, Share and Listen I presented a Muslim woman with a white rose, my third this summer, as a symbol of peace for the Middle East. I appreciated the Edmonton Police Service, who ensured the safety surrounding the protest as they marched down Whyte Avenue in Old Strathcona.

White roses shared with a girl and a Palestenian man.

“A Canvas of Shared Stories”

For years, I’ve extended an open invitation to people of all ages—whether young or old—to contribute to my social art masterpieces. With nontoxic acrylics in hand, they join me in a collaborative dance of creativity, each brushstroke adding to the vibrant tapestry of our shared experiences. In this act of communal painting, I find both honor and humility. It’s not about selling the finished pieces; it’s about inspiring dialogue and weaving connections. Art becomes a bridge—a way for voices to intersect, stories to unfold, and ideas to flourish. 🎨🗣️Painting transcends the individual artist; it becomes a chorus of narratives. The child’s exuberant splash of color, the elderly person’s delicate stroke—they all contribute to a collective symphony. 🌟And so, we gather—a diverse community of storytellers. Everyone has a tale to tell, a perspective to share. As the canvas absorbs each hue, it becomes a mirror reflecting our humanity. 🖌️💫So here’s to the storytellers, the dreamers, and the brave souls who dip their brushes into life’s palette. Let us continue to create, to listen, and to celebrate the beauty of our shared existence—one stroke at a time. 🌈✨

The Crumpling Umbrella, Fire, Rain and Wind, 2024.

Backside painting on the Crumpling Umbrella.