Saturday 13 April 2024

Sketches, Doodles and Cartoons Keeps Me Democratically Engaged

Alberta 29th, 30th & 31st Legislature, and City Hall.

Edmonton City Hall and Alberta Government are in recess.
I'm looking forward to returning to the public galleries this fall.

My Alberta Legislature Doodles Don't Deceive Me.

The Alberta Government Increased
Funding Fighting Wildfires in Alberta

Doodling or sketching in places like City Hall and the Alberta Legislature can have numerous benefits:

  1. Enhanced Observation Skills: These environments are rich with architectural details, people in various postures, and different lighting conditions. Sketching these elements can help improve your observation skills.

  2. Understanding of Civic Processes: Spending time in these civic buildings can provide a deeper understanding of the political and legislative processes. This understanding can add depth and context to your artwork.

  3. Historical Appreciation: City Hall and the Alberta Legislature are buildings with significant historical and cultural value. Sketching within these spaces can foster an appreciation for history and architecture.

  4. Mindfulness and Relaxation: Sketching can be a form of mindfulness, helping you to relax, focus, and be present in the moment.

  5. Portfolio Diversity: Sketches of these civic buildings can add diversity to your portfolio, showcasing your ability to work in different environments and subjects.

  6. Community Connection: Your artwork can help to engage and connect with the community, sparking conversations about civic issues and local history.

  7. Personal Growth: Regular sketching can lead to a noticeable improvement in your artistic skills over time. This is a testament to your dedication and growth as an artist.

Remember, every sketch tells a story, not just about the subject of the artwork but also about the artist’s experience and perspective. AI.